Monday, May 10, 2010

Kroger Design a Reusable Bag Contest

My entry:
Winners are based by online votes. Here's what you need to know to place a vote:
Near the top of the page click: Vote for a Design
On the right side of the page click: Search Bag Designs
A green box will pop up; my Bag Number is: 46019
Or you can type in Lauren M. and my design will appear. Click to VOTE!
You are allowed ONE VOTE PER DAY so PLEASE vote often!
The top 5 winners get their design put on a bag. I'm atleast hoping for that since the person with the most votes has accumulated over 1,000 votes. That has to be cheating. I just don't see how that's possible because the voting period hasn't even been that long. The most votes drop after the top two entries so I'm hoping to get in there somewhere in the top 5 with my core of faithful voters! I wish winners weren't all based on votes. This allows some pretty un-original designs to win. So let's step up for the orignal designs and vote for mine!