Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Website Finally Launched and Fall Semester 2011

Lots of exciting things have been happening lately. First of all the Summit City Sighthounds page is now officially up and running. You can check it out here:

There are several dogs listed there that need homes and many more are on the way! I hope the new site I created will be helpful to those considering adopting an I.G. I want to make it the most up-to-date website for prospective families. I am working on a project to remember dogs who have passed away and I hope people will get on board with it and send me their photographs so I can share them there. I'm doing the same thing for dogs now in their forever homes who were adopted from the rescue. That's a little less sad so maybe more people will be willing to share that with us. The site has been up for a few weeks now and there have been NO responses! It's a bummer.

Also I started classes at IPFW last week so I can complete my BFA. I should have done this in the first place but you know life never works out the way you think it will. I am following my heart and that's what's most important. I've been very busy the past couple weeks but it's been the most happy I've felt in quite a while. One of my classes is Computer Art & Design where we are learning Photoshop and Illustrator. As I sat in class I didn't know whether I wanted to laugh or cry. I was overcome with emotion thinking about how powerful these programs are. I am totally blown away by their capabilities and it's like a drug, I just want to learn more and more. Here is my first project. I turn it in tomorrow so I don't have any feedback on it yet. Our assignment was to create a "hybrid human" of sorts. I was lost on an idea until I remembered my Dad's words in my head. He often refers to car people as "gear heads" so I thought it might be fun to create one:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

First necklace

I estimate it was a 26 hour project but she's finally done!