Thursday, July 19, 2012

Summer of changes

It's been forever since I've posted but I haven't exactly been bored lately.  I bought a house and moved and started an awful commute to work and school and back every day.  I'm taking two summer classes which are coming to a close and getting really intense.  I've also decided to make an effort to start working out.  I will be getting married in a year or so and I better start now working on it so I can fit into a wedding dress. 

I've been reading Mama Laughlin's blog and was inspired to work out even with everything else I have going on.  She runs and watches her diet but also she used Jillian's shred dvd to drop some extra pounds and tone.  I already own that dvd so I thought I'd use that.  The workouts are only 30 min long and it's all small exercises in a circut so it keeps it interesting.  In the time it takes to completely dry an extra large load of laundry (thank you L.G. dryer, you are amazing), I can have a whole workout done.  I'm on day 3 of 30 and going strong!  On day one it was miserable and day two seemed endless, but today on day three it's not seeming so bad.  It gives me more energy in the morning and makes me want to eat better throughout the day.  Today for breakfast I'm having oatmeal (which I put up to the refrigerator door to get water and instead put ice in my oatmeal) and Oikos greek yogurt.  John Stamos, I don't think your commercials are that clever, actually they are pretty darn annoying, but the greek yogurt you promote is the best of all of them.  We will see how this goes.