Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Some lessons are learned the hard way.

Let us begin with a conditional statement... an "if, then" exercise if you will. The "if, then" statement is depicted below: as you can see, the series of photos clearly states the following:


This is what we experienced in real life around 11:00pm last night. I had a giant frosted brownie from Panera which I was saving because I am sick and cannot taste anything. I had it on the table, a huge mistake on my part, because Geordie's motto is "if there's a will, there's a way" and he takes it to the extreme. I think Daniel and I were apart from him for maybe 15 minutes but that was enough. I discovered after supper that the box containing the brownie was not on the table. I searched in the kitchen... then went to our room. Behold! There lie the box, open, empty and with claw marks on the side. We called Geordie's foster mom who 3-way called the emergency vet clinic who, after hearing the weight of the brownie compared to Geordie's weight said we better get in there QUICK. Our poor little boy had to be made to vomit and was pumped full of several drugs to coat his stomach. They kept him OVERNIGHT to monitor his heart rate and to provide any emergency care he might need if he should seize. Luckily this morning we got the call at about 11:00am saying he could go home. Now he is cuddled up in a blanket on the couch sleeping off a HORRIBLE night.

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