Thursday, June 16, 2011

Geordie is an amazing little dog

This past weekend was AMAZING. It was so fantastic to see SO many Iggies just running freely and playing. The ride down was less than fun. Daniel was sick (and still is...well now we both are) so he wasn't in the best mood and Geordie decided to follow right along and be a whiner nearly the entire 2 hour drive. When we arrived we had to go through a maze of gates and fences. Seriously, it's 3 or 4 different sets of gates to go through but is very necessary when you have a room full of a hundred free Iggies. We walk in and Geordie is going nuts pulling at the leash but I'm scared to let him go. It was like a mother seeing her child leave for the first day of school, but I let him go and wow, did he GO! Geordie's foster Dad assured me he would come around once in a while to check on us and sure enough he did! Every 15 or 20 minutes he would come running up to us for a quick hello and then off he went! Geordie sure knows how to get in trouble. The main area was fenced off to another side where the restrooms, food and the photographer were. When I went to the bathroom he pushed down the entire fence to try and get to me. And later his foster mom's nephew walked up holding him and said, "I found him by the food table by himself." He had figured out a way to get the fence open. Aside from those adventrues we just saw him whiz by with other Iggies. He had a fantastic time. By the end of the day when I picked him up he rested his head on my shoulder and started falling asleep. He barely made a sound on the way home. And today, I'd like to share that for the FIRST time Geordie played tug of war with me... for 5 seconds, but 5 seconds is amazing to me! Playing with toys is something he rarely does and I don't think was ever taught to do, so this is a huge victory for us. Here is a pic of him watching tv the other night:

We had a little scare the other morning when Geordie woke us at 2 am just crying in pain. We couldn't figure out what was hurting him but anywhere I touched he cried out. I finally narrowed it down to his ears. He moved around fine and when he finally calmed down he went underneath the bed to hide. The next morning I took him out and touched near his ear and he shrieked again. I called the vet and took him in for an emergency appointment. Of course when we arrived he decided nothing hurt and made no sound anywhere the vet touched. So she couldn't figure it out but did see a wax plug in one ear that could have been irritating or painful and also found a small bug bite by the ear which could have been it too. He's been fine since then so I really don't know what happened. Atleast we know if there's something wrong at all with him, he WILL let us know.

On a different note I've created some new bracelets which I'm pretty excited about. I'll post pictures soon.

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